My interests lie in solving real life problems by developping or integrating reactive interfaces and consistent APIs.
This website contains my personal portfolio, the services I provide as well as links to my resume and social medias.


Web development

Web Frameworks
Ruby on Rails, Python Django and Flask, Express.js, PHP Laravel
Frontend Frameworks
Vue.js, Next.js, React.js
Templating languages
ERB, Jinja2, EJS, Blade

DevOps and optimization

Containerised applications running on linux VMs, Static sites hosting, Serverless functions, Headless CMS
SEO or removal from search engines, loading speed and web performance improvement, SSL, CSRF tokens, DDoS migitation


Medical Assessment web app

Assigned procedures to over a thousand patients based on their symptoms. Linked between doctors, the red cross and rhuh hospital. Implemented medical procedures.

Beirut Explosion panel [Prototype]

Map of the volunteering situation in Beirut after the explosion. Each user has his own map and dashboard. Moreover there's a map and dashboard regrouping the input of the whole userbase.

To see more of my work

  Check my github
